Subject Teachers Meet & Greet
Tucson Waldorf School 3605 East River Road, TucsonParents of currently enrolled students are invited to an informal gathering to meet our grades subject teacher staff. This is an opportunity to hear a brief introduction and meet each of your child's subject teachers. The TWS grades subject teachers are Charles Swanson, Gardening; Em Bowen, Spanish and Middle School Support; Heidi Johnson, Movement Education; […]
Project Wild Thing: Reconnecting Kids with Nature | Treasuring Childhood Film & Lecture Series 2016-2017
Tucson Waldorf School 3605 East River Road, TucsonJoin us on Wednesday, October 19th at 6:00 pm at the Tucson Waldorf School, 3605 East River Road for the screening and lively guided discussion with TWS faculty following film. Treasuring Childhood Events are generally designed for adults. Babes-in-arms welcomed. Admission is free. Please R.S.V.P. to [email protected] . From the filmmaker: A revolutionary, award winning […]
Fresh! A Spring Soiree
Join us for a night of joyful celebration, candlelight and laughter under the stars. The evening will feature a farm to table Indian feast, locally crafted beer, wine and dancing. Guest Speaker - Dante Lauretta, principle investigator on NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission. Contributions to the Waldorf community through bidding on specialty themed baskets and through the […]
Screenagers: Growing up in the Digital Age | Treasuring Childhood Film & Lecture Series 2016-2017
Tucson Waldorf School 3605 East River Road, TucsonIt’s never too late or too early to start thinking about the effects of screen time on your child and family. SCREENAGERS is a feature-length documentary that explores the impact of screen time on kids and offers parents proven solutions that work. The film probes into the vulnerable corners of family life, including the director's […]
Waldorf 101: A conversation with John Keeney | Wednesday, September 27th.
Tucson Waldorf School Grade 3 Classroom 3605 East River Road, Tucson, AZAre you a newcomer to Tucson Waldorf School? Are you a TWS old-timer who still has some questions about our curriculum and pedagogical methods? Questions are highly valued in a Waldorf school! Are these some of yours: What is anthroposophy and who is Rudolf Steiner? Why does Waldorf teach reading differently? What is Michaelmas and […]
Grades Subject Classes Open House | Tuesday, October 3rd
The Grades Faculty will host a Grades Subject Class Open House with displays from our diverse grades subject classes including: Orchestra, Gardening, Handwork, Movement Education , Woodwork, and the World Languages Program featuring Spanish and Arabic classes. Subject and class teachers will be on hand to answer questions and visit with parents. Current and prospective […]
Finger Plays for Young Children | Treasuring Childhood Film & Lecture Series 2017-2018
Tucson Waldorf School 3605 East River Road, TucsonJoin us for a Parent Workshop on Saturday, October 21 from 9:00 to 10:30am. A Teacher Workshop will follow from 12:00 to 3:00pm. Lynn St. Pierre presents Wilma Ellersiek's work designed for the young child. Her finger plays and movement games include gesture, rhythm, rhyming verse, full body movement and singing in the mood of […]
School Garden Fundraiser at Chipotle | Wednesday, November 1st
Make dinner a generous act by joining us for a fundraiser to support the Tucson Waldorf School gardening program. Come in to the Chipotle at 3055 North Campbell avenue in Tucson on Wednesday, November 1st between 4:00pm and 8:00pm, and be sure to tell the cashier you're supporting our TWS garden so that 50% of […]
The Beginning of Life | Treasuring Childhood Film & Lecture Series | Wednesday, January 24th
Tucson Waldorf School 3605 East River Road, TucsonJoin us for this documentary film screening and discussion of practical ways to support our developing children in their earliest years. One of the greatest neuroscience breakthroughs is having discovered that babies are far more than a genetic load. The development of all human beings lies on the combination of genetics, the quality of the […]
The Art of Discipline: Presentation and Discussion | Treasuring Childhood Film & Lecture Series
Tucson Waldorf School 3605 East River Road, TucsonJoin our faculty on Wednesday, March 28th from 6:00 - 7:30pm for a discussion of discipline through the years. Topics addressed will include: What is the relationship between rhythm and discipline in the early years? How do parents address the wide range of behaviors at different stages with the appropriate response? What is the difference […]