Hannah Kendrick

Hannah Kendrick was born in Oakhurst, California but then moved to Ridgefield, Connecticut where she grew up. She spent her childhood drawing, crafting, exploring the forest, building forts in the trees and splashing around in streams. She had a big thirst for knowledge and was always eager to learn more about the world around her. Little did she know that those inspiring moments would soon lead her to be a teacher at the Waldorf School where she can now teach children about the beautiful wonders of the world.

She spent most of her time in Connecticut working on farms and teaching art at summer camps. When she graduated High School, she moved to Crested Butte Colorado with nothing but a backpack on her back and continued her career as an art educator at summer camps. After living in the woods for months at a time, she decided it was time to warm her bones in the gorgeous Sonoran Desert. Her dream of starting her own forest school began to manifest when she was working as a cashier and shared her aspirations for teaching with Heidi Johnson, who guided her into the Waldorf wonderland. She is excited to continue to grow with the school and eager to run her own class in the near future.
Her passion for teaching is deeply inspired by nature. When she is not at school, she spends her free time hiking, rock climbing, camping and creating all kinds of art.