
Make your gift today!

“Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference.”
– Kathy Calvin

Like every independent school, Tucson Waldorf School relies on charitable giving to bridge the gap between what tuition covers and the true cost of operations. However, these are unusual times – which may be the understatement of this new decade – and your extra support is needed now more than ever.

Your support enables the school to:

  • close the gap between tuition revenue and operating expenses
  • recruit and retain talented and dedicated Waldorf and Specialty teachers
  • offer a full Waldorf education from parent-child classes through Grade 8

Tucson Waldorf School is committed to providing a full and balanced education delivered by a passionate and inspiring faculty.  The 10-acre campus provides children with fresh air and space to thrive  where they can continue to receive an outstanding education presented with care and an ethic of beauty, while at the same time developing social and emotional awareness even during this unprecedented time.

The depth and breadth of a Waldorf education requires the generous gifts of many.  There are many ways you can support the Tucson Waldorf School throughout the year. Board, Faculty, and Staff want to help you figure out the way that works best for you.



The Annual Fund
Your gift to the Annual Fund ensures Tucson Waldorf School students continue to experience a life-affirming Waldorf education in a well-tended and beautiful environment.  Your gift  of funds to an organization close to your heart creates a ripple effect of ongoing benefits; large or small, every gift is significant and deeply valued. Contributions range in size from $5 to $10,000 and come from current parents faculty, board members, past parents, grandparents, alumni, businesses, corporate matches to employee contributions, and family foundations. 100% community participation is what TWS strives for, and any size gift helps the school reach this goal.  Every child matters. Every family matters. Every gift matters.  Gifts of cash, check, or credit card are warmly welcome. You may securely make your donation online through paypal or find out more information on our Annual Fund webpage.

Fund Scholarships with Tuition Tax Credits

Learn more through Arizona Tuition Connection.


Host a Facebook Fundraiser

The school would be honored if you would consider hosting a facebook fundraiser for TWS!  Many people choose to do this for family members’ birthdays, holidays and other special occasions.  It’s an easy and free way to fund-raise!  Here is how you can host a Facebook Fundraiser to support Tucson Waldorf School:

  1. Visit
  2. Click on the button that says “Select Charity.”
  3. When you click on the “Select Charity” button, a small window will open; start typing the name Tucson Waldorf Education Association Inc, our legal name for tax purposes. Once you select us, a new window, titled “Let’s start with the basics,” will open.
  4. Fill in the details on the left hand column of your window below the  grey “edit charity” button including, goal amount, end date, custom title, personalized text and photo. Don’t worry, Tucson Waldorf School will receive all donations, even if you don’t meet your goal!
  5. Select Create!

Amazon Shopping
If you shop at, Tucson Waldorf School will receive a percentage of all your purchases when you shop at Amazon Smile and choose Tucson Waldorf Education Association Inc. (TWEA) as your charitable organization, the school’s legal name for tax purposes.

Gift of Time
Tucson Waldorf School is sustained and enriched through gifts and volunteerism by parents, grandparents, alumni, faculty, staff and friends. By volunteering time, our extended community provides vital support to ensure the school’s ability to continue to enhance and expand  programs which provide the most relevant and inspiring education to children today. Contact for more information.

In-Kind Donations
Gifts of services and materials help the school in many ways, including in the classroom and at events like the annual fresh! benefit and auction fundraiser. Donating to the annual auction provides a meaningful channel for raising support for Waldorf education at TWS.  The school warmly welcomes the unique opportunities you can offer.  If you would like to make an in-kind gift in support of the school please contact for more information.

Gifts for the Future
You can make a difference by helping to support the future growth and success of TWS.  Options include:

  • Endowment Fund – The Board of Trustees recently seeded the Tucson Waldorf School Endowment Fund at the Community Foundation of Southern Arizona. This fund will help secure the school’s future and, once mature, any investment earnings may help fund special projects. Your support of the Tucson Waldorf School Endowment Fund will have a lasting impact on future generations of children.
  • Capital Campaign – The long-term vision for Tucson Waldorf School includes the building of new classrooms for the early childhood and grades programs, as well as administration, specialty classrooms, play yards, and a festival hall.    The first two major phases were completed with the purchase of the Riverbend property and the building of  beautiful grades 5-8 classrooms. In addition, a mini summer capital campaign to enhance the South entrance was completed. The school is currently laying the groundwork to launch the next major capital campaign to further develop the new master plan. More details can be found on the  Capital Campaign webpage.
  • Bequests – Remembering Tucson Waldorf School in your will through a charitable bequest reduces the amount of your estate that is subject to estate tax.
  • Charitable Trusts
 – When you create a charitable remainder trust, you guarantee a gift to Tucson Waldorf School in the future. In return, you receive both an annual income from the assets you use to fund the trust and an immediate tax deduction. A charitable lead trust works the opposite way. Tucson Waldorf School receives an annual income stream from the trust assets for a period of time, then the remainder goes to your heirs. Tucson Waldorf School gift year ends June 30, but you may want to contribute by December 31 to take advantage of current year tax benefits.
More Information
For more information or questions about any of the giving opportunities presented above, please contact    Make a Difference Today!
Gifts of all sizes may be made by cash, check, or credit card are warmly welcome.
You may securely make your donation online through paypal:   

Tax ID: 86-0729122. Tucson Waldorf School was founded in 1993, is a full member of the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA), and is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation.  All charitable gifts are tax deductible.