Tucson Waldorf School exists today because of the hard work and vision of the school founders, a dedicated faculty, and the many parents and children who have walked through the gates over the years and shared their time, talent and treasure.
The long-term vision for Tucson Waldorf School includes the building of new classrooms for the early childhood program and the grades school, as well as administration, specialty classrooms, play yards, and a state-of-the-art performance center. The Phase I and Phase II of the four project phases are complete! During Phase I, the campus was purchased for $1.9 million in 2008 with the generous gifts of a small group of donors. Since that time the school has been engaged in the process of creating a vision for this unique and bountiful property. See the four phases of the project.
Why do we need a new campus?
- To provide adequate classroom space for growing enrollment. The school is currently running at 90% facility capacity, with no room for growth.
- To improve the quality and utility of classrooms and other school spaces. We need larger classrooms and ample storage facilities.
- To provide adequate work and gathering spaces for faculty and administration. Faculty members currently have no offices for faculty meetings and continuing education.
- To provide large outdoor spaces for performances, graduations, festivals and safe spaces for children of different ages.
- Sustainability education using features such as water harvesting, solar and wind energy, and desert landscaping.
If you’d like to make a gift to the Capital Campaign, please contact our Administrative Director at 520.529.1032 or send email to director@tucsonwaldorf.org.