Happy 25th Birthday, Tucson Waldorf School!

This year Tucson Waldorf School celebrates 25 years of serving parents and children. From the strong roots of our first kindergarten class, to the thriving, healthy tree TWS has become, now offering support and education from parent-child classes in the Quail’s Nest all the way through to Grade 8. TWS provides an education that fosters academic engagement and joy in learning by offering an outstanding classical education, presented with care and an ethic of beauty, while at the same time nurturing family life, and developing social and environmental awareness. Everything done at Tucson Waldorf School is in support of the wonderful children who learn and thrive here.

This year, Tucson Waldorf School reflects on its roots while celebrating the health and vigor it currently enjoys, while looking ahead to all that may be in store. Please enjoy this feature presentation in honor of Tucson Waldorf School’s 25th Anniversary.


Video Credit: Seth Pepper